Judith Barry Studio
Media: Online, Social Media, Print
Role: Online, print, and digital designer
Year(s): 2005—Current
Judith Barry is an artist and writer whose work crosses a number of disciplines: film/video, performance, installation, sculpture, architecture, photography, and new media.She has exhibited internationally, and her work is included in the collection of MoMA, NYC, Whitney Museum, NYC, Generali Foundation, Vienna, MCA, San Diego, Pompidou Center, Paris, Le Caixa, Barcelona, MACBA, Barcelona, FNAC, Paris, Goetz collection, Munich, Frac Lorraine, Metz, and CIFO, Miami among others.

User interface design

Digital and print design

Digital and print design

Digital and print design

Digital and print design
Judith Barry Studio
Media: Online, Social Media, Print
Role: Online, print, and digital designer
Years: 2005–Current
Judith Barry is an artist and writer whose work crosses a number of disciplines: film/video, performance, installation, sculpture, architecture, photography, and new media. She has exhibited internationally, and her work is included in the collection of MoMA, NYC, Whitney Museum, NYC, Generali Foundation, Vienna, MCA, San Diego, Pompidou Center, Paris, Le Caixa, Barcelona, MACBA, Barcelona, FNAC, Paris, Goetz collection, Munich, Frac Lorraine, Metz, and CIFO, Miami among others.

User interface design

Digital and print design

Digital and print design

Digital Retouching

Digital and print design

Digital and print design

Digital and print design

Digital and print design